The last day of E.P.C. , there were 2 sessions , one for production Dep. And the other one for CSD :D. The closing ceremony was really great, the feedback from the attendants made every one of the team totally forget that he is very tired and need some sleep :D. actually the words make us really happy and satisfied with what we did for them ( el7mdulallah :) ) the funny part was the video which made by 2 of Arch. Dep. It was cool :D:D I like it very very much and the comments were funny :D. Actually there was some thing strange :D in the workshop of CSD the attendants like the department very much :D in spite of what we had told them, I met someone who told me that she wasn't want to be in CSD after the workshop she changed her mind :D . They were Insistent to solve the placement test, after solving it and handed it they were very happy because of the test it was cool for them ;) !! . Finally, I know I'm going to miss that days by getting up tomorrow and just remember that I don't have to woke up early any more :D. Thanks for every one I really enjoyed working with you and hope to do it next year ISA :).
For the first time in Alexandria University, Engineering Placement conference had been held by The Faculty of Engineering under the supervision of the Mathematics and Physics department . The Conference is targeting freshmen students to introduce them to the various available engineering careers, enlightening their awareness of their academic life through every department in the faculty to enable them from choosing a suitable department that suits their talents and dreams. The conference includes ; Introductory talks to each department, inspirational speeches, interactive sessions, workshops & placement tests. I applied to be an organizer and I'm now one of the team which consist of more than 4 student from each department. We held meetings and distributed the tasks for each team; in a very short time every thing was ready after just one week !! Can you believe it one week every thing was really ready lecture hall, permissions and we start registration for 4 days. The Opening of the conference was 3 days ago and it was amazing day. The conference last for 4 days each day includes some lectures for each department after the end of the lectures there are workshops and finally there is placement test. Tomorrow there will be lecture and workshop for Computer and production departments then is going to be the closing ceremony; it will be great day ISA :).Hope all of you enjoy.
في وداع 2019
يشارف عام 2019م على الإنتهاء. وكعادتي أحب أن أقيم ما مضى لعلي أحسن فيما هو
للأسف، لقد جلب لي هذا العام الكثير من الغضب، القلق، الخوف والحزن. أعترف أنه...
لآت بما لم تستطعه الأوائل
عادة ما أمر هنا ﻷقرأ كيف كنت منذ عدة سنوات ، أبتسم أحيانًا لأنني أجد ما كنت
أكتبه تافهًا و أستغرب نفسي أحيان أخرى حينما أجد نفسي أصبحت شخصًا آخر.
لا أعرف ...
5 years of kotbcorp
Two days ago this blog completed its 5th year :).
So congratulations to my self and Thanks for the few followers that have
been here for the past 5 years....
الاستجواب - نزار قباني
ـ 1 ـ
من قتل الإمام ؟
المخبرون يملأون غرفتي
من قتل الإمام ؟
أحذية الجنود فوق رقبتي
من قتل الإمام ؟
من طعن الدرويش صاحب الطريقة
و مزق الجبة .. و ...
Change Google's Search Domain in Google Chrome
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the address bar in Google Chrome, Chrome redirects you from to
Software Freedom Day @ Alexandria University 2011
SFD is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. SFD is a public
education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and
its vi...
Ubuntu 11.04 review
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One Week at Bibliotheca Alexandrina
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and I couldn't wish for a better start. I have been wishing to work there
for 4 ...
GParted - Gnome Partition Editor
Well, away from our current series going on the blog, sometimes, I have to
remember the bitter truth, that I am an Engineer, and every now and then, I