Finally today was the first day of SFD 2011 and it was amazing :). We started with the Opening by Hams Elashry OSUM Leader (ME :D) then Ahmed mekkawey's session FOSS and the development in the post-revolution times, next there was Ahmed Saeed's session Open Source Science and Finally Soft Skills session by Islam El-Ghazouly It's All About You. The day was really amazing. Can't say any word except Thank you :); SFD team, speakers and finally attendees :). Thank you so much you made my day :).
في وداع 2019
يشارف عام 2019م على الإنتهاء. وكعادتي أحب أن أقيم ما مضى لعلي أحسن فيما هو
للأسف، لقد جلب لي هذا العام الكثير من الغضب، القلق، الخوف والحزن. أعترف أنه...
لآت بما لم تستطعه الأوائل
عادة ما أمر هنا ﻷقرأ كيف كنت منذ عدة سنوات ، أبتسم أحيانًا لأنني أجد ما كنت
أكتبه تافهًا و أستغرب نفسي أحيان أخرى حينما أجد نفسي أصبحت شخصًا آخر.
لا أعرف ...
5 years of kotbcorp
Two days ago this blog completed its 5th year :).
So congratulations to my self and Thanks for the few followers that have
been here for the past 5 years....
الاستجواب - نزار قباني
ـ 1 ـ
من قتل الإمام ؟
المخبرون يملأون غرفتي
من قتل الإمام ؟
أحذية الجنود فوق رقبتي
من قتل الإمام ؟
من طعن الدرويش صاحب الطريقة
و مزق الجبة .. و ...
Change Google's Search Domain in Google Chrome
To explain the problem a little bit, it happens when you try to search from
the address bar in Google Chrome, Chrome redirects you from to
Software Freedom Day @ Alexandria University 2011
SFD is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. SFD is a public
education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and
its vi...
Ubuntu 11.04 review
Every one was waiting for Ubuntu 11.04, because of the new Unity interface
which is totally different from the Gnome, well Ubuntu 11.04 was just
One Week at Bibliotheca Alexandrina
Today marks one week on joining ICT department at Bibliotheca Alexandrina
and I couldn't wish for a better start. I have been wishing to work there
for 4 ...
GParted - Gnome Partition Editor
Well, away from our current series going on the blog, sometimes, I have to
remember the bitter truth, that I am an Engineer, and every now and then, I
Well Done
ReplyDeleteReally Nice Work :D
ReplyDeleteShoft el balonaat :D:D
Much more than awesome, Great work :D:D
ReplyDelete:D:D ah shofty ba2a :D
ReplyDeleteReally Great Work with you all :)
ReplyDeleteisA tekmal 3la 5eer :D
isAllah :)
ReplyDelete3awzen ba2y el Sewar Plz :)
ReplyDeleteSoon isA :)